
Enrolment Application

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Additional documents:

Dental Form

Vision and Hearing Form



Enrolment Form

Student Details



Parent/Caregiver Details (1)


Primary Caregiver

Parent/Caregiver Details (2)


Primary Caregiver

Emergency Contact (1)


Emergency Contact (2)




Permission to administer panadol
Permission to administer antihistamine

Custody/Access Arrangements

Court Order Issued

Early Childhood Education

Prior-Participation in Early Childhood Education. Select up to 3 for the last service attended in the 6 months prior to starting school.


Additional Fields

B4 School Check

Please choose your child's preferred learning pathway

Privacy & Policy

Privacy Statement


I give permission for my child's image to be used where appropriate. Eg. newsletter, school website, classroom displays etc.
I give permission for the school staff to administer general first aid. Staff are not permitted to give any medication without a separate signed consent form.
I give permission for my email to be used for newsletters, notifications, fundraising, initiatives and emergencies such as evacuations and lockdowns etc.
Parent Declaration


By signing this below, I confirm that the information given in this form is true, complete and accurate.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Onewa Doctors Barfoot and Thompson Glenfield Property Management Kidzstuffonline Onewa Road Veterinary Hospital Number Works N' Words Birkenhead 无忧短视频 Early Learning Centre 无忧短视频 Pharmacy Hi-Top Scaffolding ltd

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